Mission Projects of the Lutheran Church of Our Savior
In addition to supporting Synod and LCMS World Relief -- which responds compassionately to natural disasters around the world---the following special mission groups –listed alphabetically-- are supported from the congregational budget:
Concordia Theological Seminary
Fort Wayne, Indiana, aseminary of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, known internationally for its academic commitment to confessional Lutheranism and preparing pastors anddeaconesses for the next generation of confessional Lutherans around the world. www.ctsfw.edu
Higher Things
The mission of Higher Things, Inc.is to assistparents,congregations,andpastors incultivating and promoting aLutheran identity among youth through conferences, retreats, publications, and the internet. Visit it at: www.higherthings.org
Confessional Lutheran Missions in Kenya nad Haiti
Luther Academy
The Luther Academy promotes genuine, confessional Lutheran theology and research through conferences, scholarly exchanges, and publications that assist the church both to preserve and to proclaim to the world the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the only saving faith. www.lutheracademy.com and www.logia.org
Lutheran Heritage Foundation
LHF translates, publishes,distributes and introduces books that are Bible-based, Christ-centered and Reformation-driven. In more than 70 countries and 90 languages, thousands of people have come to faith in Christ because they’ve been able to read books like The Good News About Jesus or Luther’s Small Catechism in their own languages
Lutheran Public Radio - Issues, Etc.
Confessional Lutheran Radio featuring pastors and professors of the LCMS being interviewed by Host Rev. Todd Wilkin. Current issues challenging the church…analyzed from a confessional Lutheran viewpoint. www.issuesetc.org
Lutherans For Life …pro-LIFE organization