The Lutheran Difference;
An Explanation & Comparison of Christian Beliefs
Rev. Edward A. Engelbrecht General Editor
Reviewed by Henry Newman
This book which is published by Concordia Publishing House had it's origins in a popular Bible Study series that covered some of the basic topics of Christian doctrine. The editors gathered eighteen topics around the Nicene Creed and published it in one volume as part of The Essential Lutheran Library.
As Lutherans interact with other Christians, they often find themselves struggling to explain their beliefs and practices. Although many Lutherans including myself have learned the "what" of the doctrine of Church, they do not always have a full scriptural foundation to share the "why." when confronted with different doctrines or denominations, they sometimes cannot clearly explain their faith, much less understand the differences. This book covers the differences between Lutherans and Orthodox, Roman Catholics, Reform, Baptist, Wesleyan, and Liberals on:
1. God's Word 10. The Holy Spirit. 2. Law and Gospel. 11. Daily Prayer. 3.God the Father. 12. Baptism. 4. Creation. 13. Confession. 5. Angels and Demons. 14. The Lord's Supper. 6. Marriage and Family. 15. Priesthood and Ministry. 7. God the Son. 16. Vocation. 8. Justification and Sanctification. 17. Worship. 9. Predestination. 18. End Times. The Lutheran Difference identifies how Lutherans differ from other Christians and shows from the Bible why Lutheran differ. Such information will prepare Lutherans to share their faith clearly; it will help non-Lutherans understand the Lutheran difference.
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