February 10, 2011


  • Sixteen Lutheran Church of Our Savior women recently read this excellent book and met in the Fireside Room two consecutive Tuesday evenings to discuss it.  Here are some of the written comments about the book: 

 ”…a great way to learn the beginnings of our church in America.  Growing up in a house where we were Lutherans…and attending Lutheran schools from grade school through college, I had never known this history. Thank you.”

  • “I had never before thought about the reasons that they left Germany and the sacrifices that were made to leave family, homes, work and country!”

“Thanks for bringing this book to our attention!  It has given me a greater appreciation for our forefathers and everyone should know about it.

“…fascinating!  Our history as Missouri Synod Lutherans is much less ‘orderly’ than one would think.  Thank God we stuck together through all the hardships.”

The Women’s Book Club will be ordering its next book in late March and discussing it in May.  Watch the Sunday bulletin for the book name, cost, ordering procedure and deadline, place your order with the office, and prepare for a good read and the good fellowship of an edifying discussion!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Pastor D. Bestul

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