March 26, 2011


From the pen of Hermann Sasse, one of the premier confessional Lutheran theologians of the twentieth century…

Kyrios Jesous Christos, “Jesus Christ is Lord.”  This is the original confession of the church.  With it the Christian faith once entered world history.  To understand the sense of this confession ever more deeply is the great, yes, basically the only task of all Christian theology.  To repeat this confession, to speak it in ever new forms, to translate it into the language of alltimes and peoples, to protect it against misunderstandings and reinterpretations, and to understand its meaning for all areas of life–that is the task of all confession building within Christendom.  No later confession of the church can and wants to be anything else than a renewal of the origianl confession to Jesus as Christ and Lord.  This is true of the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, the confessional writings of the Reformation, and any confession in which the Christendom of the future may want to speak its faith.  As this confession stood at the beginning of the church’s history, so it will stand at its end.  Then will be fulfilled that great word of the apostle:  “At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, in heaven and on the earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord , to the glory of God the Father” (Phil. 2:10 f.).

(Sasse, “Jesus Christ Is Lord:  The Church’s Original Confession,”

fr. We Confess Anthology, 9.)

Filed under: Uncategorized — Pastor J. Bestul

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