April 13, 2011


PALM SUNDAY, April 17 ~ 8 a.m. or 11 a.m.   Children’s choir and palm procession

MAUNDY THURSDAY, April 21 ~ 7:30 p.m.   Divine Service commemorating the institution of the Lord’s Supper

GOOD FRIDAY, April 22 ~ 7:30 p.m.    Tenebrae service of gradual darkness, Passion readings, and preaching


         Easter Sunrise Service ~ 7:30 a.m.

        Easter Festival Divine Service of the Resurrection ~ 10:00 a.m.

        (Easter breakfast served beginning at 8:45; children’s activities at 9:15)


When the LORD prepared His people to be delivered from their bondage, He told Moses that a pure lamb would be slain, its blood applied to the dwellings of His people, and that death would pass over all who bore the mark of the lamb.  He then drew them out as His people through the waters; and He fed them with bread from heaven until He brought them across the River Jordan, and into the promised land.

To this people He would deliver, He said:  “This month shall be your beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you” (Exodus 12:2).  The LORD recast for them time.  They were a people–just as are we– in the world, but not of it.  While the world marks its time and the things it considers most notable on its calendar, so does the Church.

Join us in this week to mark the sacred solemnities of our Lord Jesus Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection…  For by these events the LORD has brought us out of bondage.  May we observe these days–the substance and fulfillment of the former types and shadows–with the same reverent gratitude.



Filed under: Uncategorized — Pastor J. Bestul

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