September 12, 2011


     A  unique and annual LCOS event:  HERITAGE SUNDAY.   It’s the second Sunday of September when the congregation celebrates two important facets of our life together:  LUTHERAN EDUCATION and GRANDPARENTS DAY. 

Our Lutheran convictions are confessed from generation to generation as they are passed on from  grandparents to parents to grandchildren in our homes as they are supported by the educational classes of the congregation.

Nearly 150 members celebrated the event this year.  Following the morning divine services, many remained or returned to the campus’ school courtyard where the grills were smokin’ hot with burgers, sausages, and chicken wings and the children were jumping off their energy in the Noah’s ark jumphouse while the grandparents and parents were enjoying the bluegrass music of our own Campbell Family Singers and the patriotic harmonica of Don James.

During the picnic, drawings were held for ‘Here I Stand’ golf balls and socks and other ‘Old Lutheran’  “periFUNalia.”  Children were entertained by face-painters, a balloon artist, and received gifts of Lutheran books.

Because this Heritage Sunday coincided with the decade  commemoration of the  9-11 attack on America,  the solemn tolling of the church bells called all to the sanctuary for a special service of Remembering 9-ll. 

Our thanks to the Board of Education for preparing and coordinating the event which was enjoyed by all!

Filed under: Uncategorized — Pastor D. Bestul

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